起重機寬度^B Crane width
小車基距^W c
緩沖器高度^ Buffer height
主梁底面位置^ Position of bottom plan of main girder
司機室底面位置^ Position of bottom plan of cab
主鉤上極限位置^ Main hook approach to cane rail top
副鉤上極限位置^ Auxiliary hook approach to cane rail top
主鉤左極限位置^ Main hook approach to cane rail top left side
主鉤右極限位置^ Main hook approach to center of crane rail right side
副鉤左極限位置^ Auxiliary hook approach to center of crane rail left side
副鉤右極限位置^ Auxiliary hook approach to center of crane rail right side
司機室水平位置^ Distance between cab and rail
司機室底長^ Bottom length of cab
起重機軌道中心至起重機外緣距離^ Dimension from rail center to crane edge